Guan-Yun Wang

Location: Taipei/Tainan, Taiwan

Guan-Yun Wang received her Ph.D. degree from Tohoku University in 2023. She was a member of the WISE program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education by MEXT) for AI electronics at Tohoku University. She received her B.Comm., B.A., and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Her research interests include computer vision, learning analytics, human-robot interaction, and digital transformation.


Tohoku University

Ph.D in information Sciences

Department of System Information Sciences, Graduation School of Information Sciences

WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education by MEXT, Japan), specializing in Aartificial Intelligence and Electronics.

Dissertation: Investigation of mental state estimation to support learning based on behavior measurements
(Japanese Title: 学習支援のための行動指標を利用した心的状態推定手法の検討)
Download the PDF

The abstract and the summary of the examination results: click me
Check out my website of the experiment: click me

Advisor: Satoshi Shioiri, Ph.D.

October 2020 - December 2023

National Taiwan University

Master's degree, Psychology

Thesis: Emulating Empathy in Emotional Support System to Test Performance on Collaborative Learning

Advisors: Hsiu-Ping Yueh, Ph.D., Li-Li Huang, Ph.D.

September 2018 - June 2020

National Taiwan University

Bachelor's degree, Chinese Literature & Bio-Industry Communication and Development

GPA: 4.16

September 2013 - June 2018

Peking University

Exchange Student for one semester, Department of Chinese Language and Literature
February 2016 - June 2016



Wang, G.-Y., Nagata, H., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Shioiri, S. Detecting Learners’ Hint Inquiry Behaviors in e-Learning Environment by using Facial Expressions. In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S '23). July 20-22, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, NY, USA,4 pages. [1 citation]

Yueh, H.-P., Wang, G.-Y., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2022) The cognition, information behaviors and preventive behaviors of Taiwanese people facing COVID-19. Scientific Reports. 12934. [Impact Factor: 4.6; 1 citation]

Wang, G. Y., Nagata, H., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C. H., & Shioiri, S. (2022). Estimate students' concentration level by using facial expression. IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep., 122(326), 65-69.

Wang, G. -Y., & Yueh, H. -P. (2020) Optimistic Bias, Food Safety Cognition and Consumer Behaviour of College Students in Taiwan and mainland China. Foods, 9(11), 1588. doi:10.3390/foods9111588 [Impact Factor: 4.350; 13 citations]

Working Papers

Wang, G. -Y., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Shioiri, S.(under review) Predicting learners' engagement and help-seeking behaviors in an e-learning environment by using facial and head pose features. Computers in Human Behavior Reports

Available Preprint: Wang, G. -Y., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Shioiri, S., Predicting Learners' Engagement and Help-Seeking Behaviors in an E-Learning Environment by Using Facial and Head Pose Features. Available at SSRN: or

Wang, G. -Y., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Yueh, H.-P., Shioiri, S.(under review) Cultural differences in facial features based on SHAP analysis from machine learning model estimating learners’ mental states Multimedia Tools and Applications

Wang, G. -Y., Yueh, H. -P., Huang, L.-L. (in submission) Can robots facilitate students’ collaborative learning to solve Linguistics Olympiad Problems by providing empathic feedback?

Conference Presentation

Wang, G.-Y., Nagata, H., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Shioiri, S. Estimating students’ engagement levels evaluated subjectively by human annotators from their facial features using a machine learning technique [Oral]. Vision Society of Japan 2023 Summer Meeting (VSJ), Tokyo, Japan.18th-20th Sep. 2023

Wang, G.-Y., Nagata, H., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Shioiri, S. Detecting Learners’ Hint Inquiry Behaviors in e-Learning Environment by using Facial Expressions. In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S '23). July 20-22, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, NY, USA,4 pages.

Wang, G.-Y., Nagata, H., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Shioiri, S. Estimate students’ mental state while solving a language puzzle [Oral]. Vision Society of Japan 2023 Winter Meeting (VSJ), Tokyo, Japan.18th-20th Jan.2023

Wang, G.-Y., Nagata, H., Hatori, Y., Sato, Y., Tseng, C.-H., Shioiri, S. Estimate students' concentration level by using facial expression [Oral]. Technical Committee on Human Information Processing (HIP), Sendai, Japan. 22nd-23rd Dec.2022

Wang, G.-Y. Designing an intelligent-tutoring robot for language problem-solving training [Poster]. 2021 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects: “Compass for Next- Gen ICT” Program, Online. 17th February. 2022.

Huang, C.-Y., Wang, G.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., You, H.-H., Lin, W.,& Yueh, H.-P. (2019). A robot for the elderly? Investigation of Older Adults' Images of Social Robot, paper accepted for Poster presentation at the 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 2019.

Hsu, L.-J., Wang, G.-Y., Hu, Y.-H., Lu, M.-H., Lin, Y. H., Lin,W., & Yueh, H.-P. Investigating Older Adults' Technological Needs for Social Activities, paper accepted for Poster presentation at the 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 2019.

Invited Talks

2/Mar/2024 "Estimation of mental states in the context of e-learning by using machine learning techniques" at 2024 NTU x Tohoku Symposium on AI and Human Studies. (Link)

25/Oct/2023 "Your face shows you need a hint: Detecting hint-inquiry behaviors in an e-learning environment" at Unlocking Human Behavior: Exploring Online Measures and Behavioral Methods in Social Sciences, UAntwerp (University of Antwerp) - NTU (National Taiwan University) collaborative research symposium. (Link)

04/Jul/2023 "Can you give a hint? Predicting students' help-seeking action by using facial expressions" at the Brainware Engineering Workshop, RIEC, Tohoku University.

24/Apr/2023 "If My Teacher is AI: Educational Digital Transformation and Its Applications." at Visual neuroscience lab (Host: Distinguished Professor Chen, Chien-Chung Ph.D.), National Taiwan University.

20/Apr/2023 "Designing an interactive website for psychological experiments." (Three-hour workshop) at Human performance lab (Host: Distinguished Professor Yueh, Hsiu-Ping Ph.D.), National Taiwan University. (Link)

Academic Services

Reviewed for Journal(s): Multimedia and Tools and Applications


My research interests lie in the field of how students learn with the aid of technology. I develop webpages that facilitate student learning and use technology to estimate students' learning states, including their engagement levels and behaviors related to seeking help. To test my concepts, I utilize various tools such as robots, websites, and tablets in conducting experiments.

My objective is to determine how technology impacts students' learning outcomes, motivation, and processes. My recent focus has been on how machine learning models can assist teachers in understanding their students. Currently, I am developing a system that can detect students' learning states.

I am actively seeking a postdoctoral or assistant professor position for the year 2024/2025. I received Ph.D. in Information Sciences (Dec,2023) and possess expertise in teaching AI introduction, multimedia and digital tool application, introductory psychology, psychological informatics, intelligent manufacturing application, experimental psychology, and related subjects. I am enthusiastic about opportunities both in ★Taiwan★ and worldwide.



Bureau of Education, Tainan City Government

Host the senior learning center project (including project application, funding approval and disbursement, visitations, and participation in relevant meetings).
Manage senior-related business in Tainan.
Host senior traffic safety education.

January 2022 - September 2022

AI Research Intern

AISIN Software

Develop new VAE/GAN model to do anomaly detection.

July 2021 - September 2021

Research Assistant

Center for Artificial Intelligent and Advanced Robots, National Taiwan University

Coduct AI robot and human interaction research.

August 2020 - January 2021

Linguistics Lecturer

Teaching introductory linguistics and training students to participate in the International Linguistics Olympiad.

Lecturer for the Taiwan and Hong Kong representative teams.

June 2018 - January 2021

Photographer Internship

Take photos and videos in rural elementary schools to help address educational inequity.

July 2016 - August 2016


Programming Languages & Tools

Awards & Certifications


(including events that are planned but have not yet happened.)

14/Apr/2024: Invited to share about Japan study at Taipei Public Library. Link

2/Mar/2024: Giving a talk titled "Estimation of mental states in the context of e-learning by using machine learning techniques" at NTU x Tohoku University 7th Symposium on AI and Human Studies Link

20/Jan/2024: Invited to share about Japan study at Taipei. Thanks to The Investigator Taiwan and JTBA(Japan-Taiwan Biotech Association). Link

14/Dec/2023: Graduated from Tohoku University!

28/Nov/2023: Final defense date of my Ph.D. Dissertation!

25/Oct/2023: I'm participating in UA - NTU collaborative research symposium with a talk titled, " Your face shows you need a hint: Detecting hint-inquiry behaviors in an e-learning environment" Register link

27/Sep/2023: Pre-defense date of my Ph.D. Dissertation.

18/Sep/2023-20/Sep/2023: Visiting Tokushima, Japan and participating in VSJ 2023 Summer Meeting.

24/Jul/2023-18/Jul/2023: Visiting Copenhagen, Denmark and participating in L@S'23.

04/Jul/2023: Giving a talk titled "Can you give a hint? Predicting students' help-seeking action by using facial expressions" at the Brainware Engineering Workshop (Study Group), RIEC, Tohoku University.

23/May/2023: Participating in an online meeting with researchers from the University of Antwerp and National Taiwan University for the FWO-NSTC project.

29/Apr/2023: Our work has been accepted by L@S'23 (the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale ). Congradulations!

24/Apr/2023: Presenting a talk at NTU CCC's lab titled "If My Teacher is AI: Educational Digital Transformation and Its Applications."

20/Apr/2023: Hosting a three-hour workshop (on-site) on designing an interactive website for psychological experiments. Thanks to NTU HP lab. (link)

11/Apr/2023-25/Apr/2023: Reuniting with my beloved hometown in Taiwan for a joyous 2-week stay!

03/Mar/2023: I have resumed writing scientific essays for the NTU CASE website! Feel free to check out my articles: Click me

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